I'm a mom. I'm totally a smokin' hot mom, but I've gone through nine months of growing another person, then through childbirth and recovery so I have all the sags and stretch marks and a belly pooch and cellulite like every other female human who has pushed her body to it's most miraculous limits.
Enter this awesome dress. Every perfect imperfection round the middle is hidden with just a hint of sexy ass and a great rack making mysterious shadows. That beautiful ever-slender lady shoulder comes out the top, and rock-hard calves from toting said baby up three flights of stairs every day is all the skin I need to share for date night this weekend!!!
So how about this black/white trend going on? The fashion world likes to pretend old ideas are new, but I'm grateful for the kick ass shoes we're going to get out of it. Would you wear this dress? Anyone know what kind of martini that is?

Enter this awesome dress. Every perfect imperfection round the middle is hidden with just a hint of sexy ass and a great rack making mysterious shadows. That beautiful ever-slender lady shoulder comes out the top, and rock-hard calves from toting said baby up three flights of stairs every day is all the skin I need to share for date night this weekend!!!
So how about this black/white trend going on? The fashion world likes to pretend old ideas are new, but I'm grateful for the kick ass shoes we're going to get out of it. Would you wear this dress? Anyone know what kind of martini that is?